Many has asked about their family tree and seldom find the answer as they do not know their family name to begin with. They might be called Chan, Chang, Zeng, Tsang, Tseng .... But the fact is that they are all from them same family “曾”. In this present society that is heavily influenced by the western culture, many Chinese has slowly loss their culture and their history. Family name is a very important element in Chinese culture. It link all Chinese no mater where they are back to their family.
Hold your breath as we bring you back to 4500 years ago where our family started.........

The Orgin


Generation Name

Generation Name Table

Family Tree 4000 years

Hall of Fame

Zeng and Khoo(Qiu)

Zeng & Shui

The culture of surname

Code of Arm

Templ of Zengzi

Tome of Zengzi

Long Shan Temple

Zeng Cu Ann Temple

Feng Ya village Temple

The House of Da Wan

Singapore Chan Khoo Kong Huay

The Tsang Clansman Assocaition Limited

Xia Xi Temple

Organisation round the world

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